Home learning for Y2

17 February 2022

Below are some activities that we suggest the children in Year 2 complete tomorrow whilst the school is closed.

We hope you find them quite straight forward. Feel free to adjust them to meet your circumstances.


The children have learning about the properties of 3D shapes, i.e. faces, edges and vertices. Find some shapes around your home that are similar to the ones in the worksheet (below) and count the number of edges, faces and vertices. Use the pdf as well to support your learning. PDF - Shape-Friday-18th-February.pdf

Worksheet - Lesson-5.docx


The children have been learning about nocturnal animals this week. Below is a piece of information about hedgehogs we have been reading. On the second page is a short comprehension activity. Please read the information again as fluently as you can and answer the questions.

Hedgehogs - Hedgehogs.docx

You do not need to print out any of these sheets, as long as you can view it you can record your answers on another piece of paper or in your own book!

Practise your spelling (Spelling pattern 18 - f, ff, ph words) and try to write some sentences using these words. Can you make some questions (with a ?) or exclamations (!) ?  We'll do the test at school for these words after half term. 

Normally on a Friday we also do PE which this term is yoga, so try some yoga moves we have learnt at home. If you need some guidance try cosmickids.com

Otherwise, do a bit of reading and don't get blown away!!

Mr George, Mrs Edmands and Mrs Sargent.

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