Uniform and Equipment

OPIS March 2025 71
Oldfield Park Infant School

We are proud of each of our logo and wearing school uniform helps to reinforce a sense of pride and belonging to our school community.

A range of uniform items including sweatshirts and cardigans, pale blue polo shirts and fleece jackets all embroidered with the logo are available at a reasonable cost from our supplier,

4 Terrace Walk,
BA1 1LN.

Please ensure that all items of school uniform/equipment will be clearly and permanently named.

Main School Uniform



Pale blue polo shirt with logo*

Grey skirt, pinifore or trousers.

Royal Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with logo*

Blue and white checked summer dress

Plain black or grey tights

Plain white/black or grey socks

Pale blue polo shirt with logo*

Grey trousers or tailored shorts.

Royal Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with logo

Plain white/black or grey socks


Second Hand Uniform

The PTA runs a termly ‘nearly new uniform shop’ to enable parents to purchase good quality items at a lower price.

The school also keeps a number of spare second hand items which may be offered to parents free of charge where needed. We welcome donations of uniform items that are in good condition and no longer required.

Other Considerations

We are mindful that some children may be less able bodied or have specific cultural traditions. Wherever possible the school will make adaptations to the uniform that meet their needs and allow children to feel included.



Plain black school shoes.

Shoes may be of any style that is suitable for school and allow the children to run and play safely.

Crocs and other informal styles of footwear are not suitable for school.

PE Kit

PE kit

Navy blue PE shorts/jogging bottoms      

Royal blue T-Shirt with the school logo

Children can either wear their school cardigan/sweatshirt o a plain nay zip up hoodie.                                                

Daps or trainers for games outdoors (they are not required in reception until the late Spring Term)




Jewellery is not allowed for safety reasons. 

Children with pierced ears should wear studs at all times. These will need to be removed for PE lessons apart from during the 1st 6 weeks. If your child is unable to remove these themselves you will need to remove them before they come to school on PE days.

Wrist bands and other fashion items are also unsuitable for school and should be left at home.

Hair and Make Up

Hair and Make Up

Long hair should be tied back for the school day. Extreme hair styles (for example, emblems or patterns shaved into the side or back of children’s heads) and colours are not appropriate for school.

Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc. should be plain and simple and, if possible, in school colours.

Make up and nail varnish are not allowed to be worn at school.

Hot and Cold Weather

Hot and cold weather

Please ensure that your child is sent to school in clothes appropriate to the weather.

We ask that all children bring a hat or cap to school during hot weather it does not have to be a school one.

Water Bottles

Water Bottles

We encourage our children to keep well hydrated and ask children to bring a clear water bottle with a non-spill sports type top to school each day.

Only water is allowed in these bottles and we ask that these bottles are clearly named with a permanent marker.


Book Bags

Book Bags

We expect each child to have a bookbag to carry books and homework to and from school (Back Packs are not suitable)

These again carry our logo and are of strong waterproof material with a handle. They should be brought to school daily. These can also be purchased from Scholars.

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