
Mathematics - Mrs Edmands

When teaching Mathematics at Oldfield Infants School, we intend to provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals and sets them up with the necessary skills and knowledge for them to become successful in their future life. We incorporate sustained levels of challenge through varied and high-quality activities with a focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving.


Children are encouraged to explore maths in depth, using mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain and show their workings using a range of mathematical resources. They are taught to explain their choice of methods and develop their mathematical reasoning skills. We encourage resilience, adaptability and acceptance that struggle is often a necessary step in learning. Our curriculum allows children to better make sense of the world around them relating the pattern between mathematics and everyday life.


We adopt a maths mastery approach using NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation. Teachers plan lessons in small connected steps that gradually unfold the concept. Blocks of learning are introduced to children in a logical order and are revisited through flashback activities, Numbersense and intelligent practice throughout the year to encourage deep learning and ensure children have the foundational knowledge they need. We encourage the use of Key vocabulary through the use of Stem sentences and by providing opportunities for children to children to reason and think mathematically. We implement our approach through high quality teaching delivering appropriately challenging work for all individuals. To support the teaching of Mathematics we use a CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach where all classes use a range of manipulatives including Numicon, tens frames base 10 and counters (concrete equipment). When children have grasped a concept using concrete equipment, images and diagrams are used (pictorial) prior to moving to abstract questions. Abstract maths relies on the children understanding a concept thoroughly and being able to use their knowledge and understanding to answer and solve maths without equipment or images.


Through our teaching we continuously monitor pupils’ progress against expected attainment for their age, making formative assessment notes where appropriate and using these to inform our teaching. The main purpose of all assessment is to always ensure that we are providing excellent provision for every child. At the end of each year we expect the children to have achieved Age Related Expectations (ARE) for their year group. Some children will have progressed further and achieved greater depth (GD). Children who have gaps in their knowledge receive appropriate support and intervention.

Subject Documents Date  
Oldfield Park Infant School Calculation Policy 19 Nov 2024 Download
Mathematics Policy New 20 Nov 2024 Download
Cp map year 1 26 Nov 2024 Download
Cp map year 2 26 Nov 2024 Download
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